
Medeja Loncar in Petra Juvancic5

Moving forward with clear mission and vision

Success requires two milestones. First is a clearly defined goal to where we want to go. Second is following a committed, responsible and systematic path that leads to it. 

Governing bodies of the Association are like an invisible force that defines the goal and energizes the people to walk the path towards it. Functioning of our Association is a result of a responsible and committed work of many members of the bodies of the Association. They perform their functions honorably and do not receive payment for their work. 

General Assembly

The highest body of the Association

Management Board

The highest executive body of the Association

President of the MAS

Representative of the Association in public

Supervisory Board

Supervision of the financial performance of the Association

Honorary Tribunal

Judgments on members' complains

Professional Team

Professional and operational support of the Association