About members
Who are our members?
The Managers’ Association of Slovenia welcomes everybody who is willing to upgrade their knowledge of leadership and further develop their management skills, is ready to accept the Code of Ethics of the Managers’ Association of Slovenia, wishes to expand his/her network of professional contacts and relationships and by paying a membership fee supports and actively co-creates the business standards and the view of Slovenian management on current socio-economic topics.
Membership structure
Our membership structure by gender
Supporting diversity, encouraging balance. A third of our members are female and two thirds are male.

Our membership structure by management level
We are the central point for the largest number of Slovenian managers. Two thirds of our members hold the highest level management positions and one quarter are in middle-management.

Our membership structure by size of the company being managed
We are the central point for both large and small companies. 42% of our members are managers of large companies 44% are managers of small companies and 14% of them are managers of medium-sized companies.

Success of the companies led by members of the Managers’ Association of Slovenia
The companies managed by the members of the Managers’ Association of Slovenia compared to the average Slovenian economy:
- 25% higher added value;
- 30% higher revenue per employee;
- 116% higher net income per employee;
- 58% higher return on equity.

Members about the association
Maria Anselmi
The main task of the Managers’ Association of Slovenia is to support and promote excellent management in compliance with the highest world standards. We need to strengthen the ethical culture and transparency in business, which assure the market as a fair playing field where excellence and efficiency are the true standards of choice.
Zdravko Počivalšek
Members of the Managers’ Association of Slovenia are responsible for keeping the good name of the Association and our own good name alive through our work in companies as well as through our personal actions. The success of the entire economy is largely dependant on our success. And that's the basis of a successful country.