Artemis Award 2024 in the hands of six business leaders who broke the glass ceiling

Photo: Borut Cvetko, Mediaspeed.
Compassion and trust, determination and perseverance, responsibility and sustainability are the six values shared by this year's six recipients of the Artemis Award:
- Maja Brelih Lotrič, Director of LOTRIČ Meroslovje,
- Meta Lahne, President of the Board of Merkur zavarovalnica,
- Melita Rajgelj Ozebek, President of the Board of Generali Investments,
- Saška Rihtaršič, General Manager of Danfoss Trata,
- Maja Strnad Cestar, General Manager of Medis, and
- Tatjana Vogrinec Burgar, President of the Board of Elektro Maribor.
These are also the six values that can be used to describe the goddess of the same name. Artemis.
A goddess depicted with a bow and arrow. A goddess who symbolizes business leaders at the highest positions, as they are expected to use their bow and arrow to indicate the right direction and common goals for new ventures and breakthroughs of companies, while respecting the six values listed above to build and foster trust among employees, motivate and encourage them, and above all - as one of this year's Artemis Award recipients says - take the time to talk to everyone on the team.
Because it is through conversation that we build bridges and trust, and through them we learn more quickly what the common goals are for the growth of the company and the growth of employees.
This was the sound of this year's address by the chair of the Artemis selection committee, Aleša Mižigoj, who presented the awards to the six business leaders who for the first time accepted the most responsible position in a successful company with more than 50 employees, and with this decision and courage ensured a more balanced representation of women at the highest levels of the Slovenian economy, in the company of the President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Marko Lotrič.
To business leaders who, in the spirit of the six Artemis values, have brought the so-called female principle of leadership to companies, which is based on inclusion, openness, empowerment of all employees and cooperation, and thus ensured successful management, team building and growing numbers.
Self-confidence and empathy are becoming increasingly important
Let's see what the recipients of this year's Artemis Award would advise other young business leaders on their way to taking on the most important role in companies and organizations?
- Maja Brelih Lotrič, LOTRIČ Meroslovje: "My advice to young managers is to trust in their expertise and ambition, and above all to be aware that they bring warmth and inclusiveness to the space, which is so lacking in the business world. And also; be kind to yourself."
- Meta Lahne, Merkur zavarovalnica: "Believe in yourself, in your abilities, be empathetic, build relationships, connect, in the end, success is a collective effort."
- Melita Rajgelj Ozebek, Generali Investments: "With heart and perseverance, push the boundaries and trust in yourself."
- Saška Rihtaršič, Danfoss Trata: "I have two pieces of advice. First: be active in seeking out your opportunities, look for mentors, supporters who will help you develop your career. Second piece of advice: don't wait until you are 100% ready for new challenges. 60 to 70 percent readiness is quite enough, what counts is your energy and motivation."
- Maja Strnad Cestar, Medis: "Women are by nature self-critical and cautious, so we are probably less likely to decide on leadership roles, but at the same time I believe and also prove through myself that if we want something, we can do it and do it well. So, girls, go for it."
- Tatjana Vogrinec Burgar, Elektro Maribor: "I want young managers to establish a positive value system, and not to give in on it, because at the end of all journeys, the only thing that matters is whether you are human."
About the Artemis Award
The Artemis Award is presented by the Managers' Section of the Managers' Association to individuals who have broken the glass ceiling and for the first time assumed the highest management function (position of director, general manager or president of the board) in an economic or important non-economic company with more than 50 employees. The company, whose management function must be held for at least 12 months, must be operating profitably. The award aims to encourage women to decide to accept managerial challenges in the economy and public administration and take a leading role in the organization. At the same time, it is one of the steps that the association has been taking for many years to achieve a more balanced gender representation at the highest positions in the economy.
Previous recipients of the Artemis Award
The recipients of the Artemis Award for 2023 were Dr. Vita Godec from Lenis farmacevtika and Canadian Eva McLellan from the Slovenian branch of Roche. All previous recipients of the award.
The commission that selected the recipient of the award for 2024 consists of the chair Aleša Mižigoj, Aleš Muhič, Mojca Randl, Melanie Seier Larsen, Žiga Vavpotič, Sanja Savič, Klaudija Javornik and Enej Kirn.