The Managers' Association has new Vice-Presidents

The Managers' Association has new Vice-Presidents.
We got them: new Vice-Presidents of the Managers' Association. At the first meeting of the new Management Board held in Portorož, the MB members, currently 25, appointed Tomaž Berločnik, Tomaž Lanišek and Medeja Lončar Vice-Presidents. Thus, the management of the Managers' Association, in its narrow composition, is complete. It comprises the President Aleksander Zalaznik, the appointed three Vice-Presidents, the Section Presidents – Maria Anselmi, Lovro Peterlin and Melanie Seier Larsen – and the Executive Director Sonja Šmuc. The narrow management has to meet when a quick response is warranted on behalf of the Managers' Association and it would be unwise to wait for a regular MB meeting (four to five times a year). We are looking forward to good team work, excellent energy and new shifts!