We want to be sustainable, or do we?

The Baby Boom, X, M and Z generations are the most economically successful generations ever. We achieve exceptional records.
Constant economic growth resulted in global energy consumption increasing in 2018 at a rate almost twice that of the average growth rate since 2010. Demand for all fossil fuels increased, even though solar and wind energy recorded double-digit growth. Consumption of petroleum increased in 2018 by 1.8%, while CO₂ emissions rose by 1.7% to reach a new record.*
Earth Overshoot Day was declared in June 2019 as humanity's demand for natural resources for the year exceeded the Earth's capacity to regenerate those resources that year. We continue to increase this deficit by liquidating the natural capital of the Earth and accumulating waste and emissions.
Not a day passes without news about the catastrophic consequences of climate change.
We do not have problems because of the climate crisis, but because of capitalism, greed, unethical conduct, lies, wrong objectives, obsolete education systems and unambitious politicians.
We have an exceptional opportunity to go down in history as the generations that changed the course of the world for the better. As the generations that ensured sustainable development in the true sense of the word, with clean energy, peace, welfare and health for all people. As the generations that created a new model of social economy which has begun to be referred to as "sustainalism".
All of us will need to change our habits. All individuals, all sectors, all companies and organisations. It is in these changes that exceptional opportunities for all are hidden.
No revolution (agrarian, industrial, digital) has had so much funding earmarked for investment as the climate revolution. Do we know how to use this funding correctly and ethically?
December is here, the time of reflection and New Year's resolutions. What will our resolutions be, what will we fulfil, which goods will increase in quantity?
Ana Struna Bregar, executive director of the CER - Centre for Energy Efficient Solutions